Tuesday, December 25, 2007

What if.................

How long have I been away from blogging?? Never mind . Here I am with a couple of stuff to post.

So does the title of this post give you any idea of whats in store??? Well Read on.

I have always felt that there are some professions in life which are to be chosen only if you have a passion for it. The first time I thot about this was when I had to choose between Engineering and Medicien after my class 12(I chose neither is a different story). I think i am better suited for a different profession (I can see u nodding your head too ;-))) and can safely say atleast 7 out of 10 guys in my industry would say the same.But, can a doctor say the same about his job? Think of it - if the person who is treating/operating us says,I am in a wrong profession!!!!!!God Bless Us.

You can see many people around you jump to a different profession, take up higher studies in different stream or altogether stop the current stream of occupation and do somethng radically different( famous people being would be harsha bhogle,shankar mahadevan and nagesh kukkunoor to name a few). But can a doctor(this profession is just a example) do the same?? I doubt it unless he persues some creative talent of his. So if a person who has become a doctor not by choice goes on to practice(which he suerly will) what happens next? Can he have bugs in his code???(i am presuming most of my readers are software professionals or are related to s/w in some way or the other) Can his "Go live" fail??? Can there be a Sev1/Sev2 ticket?? I guess the answer is No. But with the top of the class S/W engineers having bugs in their code or having failed Go-Lives...What about these doctors???

So how well is our education system or family system (where a doctors son or daughter is expected to be a doctor) handling this ?

I dont have any answers- i just put out whats on my brain.....give a thought before you visit that doctor next :).

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