Saturday, July 22, 2006

'Human' Emotions???

I have always wondered whether animals too feel the same emotions that we feel,if they do- how do they show it? The whole reason behind this thought is from the fact that I see atleast one Dog dead on the highway I travel to work every day. On one hand I see a group of dogs roaming around,playing and stuff. The next day I might see one of the dogs dead on the road crushed by some speeding vehicle. And I always thought - how would the other dogs react to the situation where they will have one dog less ,with whom they had interacted the perevious day. Its kind of strange that if a human being meets with a accident there is a group which circles around and makes the necessary arrangement for the injured, but in case of animals nobody cares a damn.

Today morning,I did get some answer to my question though. A pup (of a street dog) had fallen into the open water tank in the park near my house and had passed away. Now its mother has been sitting in front of that dead pup from the morning. Its a very very sad picture. Guess they also go through the same emotions as we do but they are not as expressive as we are.

Will end on this sad note. Hope there will be no canine casulties on my way to work tomorrw.

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