Saturday, July 22, 2006

Its lonely @ the top

Yeah! That is what Pete Sampras,the tennis legend of modern era told the reporters when asked-How does it feel to be World # 1 for so many weeks. Now with the ongoing British Open Golf and every one being interested in Tiger Woods's comebackhad he gone some where?), it's a De Ja Vu situation for me.

In sport or in real life its a fact that people are ready to pull down a successful person on the first oppertunity. If we look at sports- you can find innumerable instances of 'Greats' being pulled down from their Number 1 slot at every possible oppertunity present. Whether it was Pete Sampras,Andre Aggasi, M.Schumacher, Tiger Woods - every one has had to face the situtaion where the whole world(read media) want's to see them lose. And it must be tough for them to comprehend the attitude,because these were the same peolpe who had cheered them on when they were rookies and were climbing up the ladder.

The other part of the story is, where the cycle comes one full circle and the same people start supporting these guys when they are trying to come back from a bad patch - as is the case with Tiger Woods today - where it was written that the Tiger wouldnt roar again and now the media is all Ga Ga about his form in British Open .

Strange are the ways of the world.

1 comment:

Rohini said...

Good observation. I think it happens because media wants news.. sensational news.. so they sometimes try to create it :)