Sunday, October 22, 2006

My First week in London

Finally am writing this- had thought about doing this on day one.So how am i feeling- have just started to settle down..lo sotza emotions.Many firsts for me this past week.My first Flight(not to forget the first immigration check,boarding pass and stuff). Then the interesting peopleI met on the journey( I have a talent to pick upa conversation with absolute strangers). Then My taxi in London was a Merc -S class (WoW). A five star hotellocated in a area with historical significance(Called Greenwich - Yep the place where we gt the GMT from). Then the search for FOOD on day one :). Getting to know the various rail transport systems and how to use the automated ticketing system. How to use the Calling cards(trying to get the best out of each). The conceptoffrozenfoods (you get something called 'Pilaurice' which looks like 'lemon poha' and the gravy here are as bland as it can get).

Going to office on day one - the first thing that came to my notice was - London is trying to be India,no kidding. You have loads and loads ofppl in Trains.Theplace is kinda dirty(you findppl throwing the ciggeratte butz everywhere). Yes - lotza pretty and fashionable faces in train. Ppl dun care a damn to show their emotions in public ;).

Many morestuff to say,but will signoff now. Will be back with some more soon.

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